Article 63 of the regulation stated that all administrative personnel must know and perform their duties in Russian.
Besides their duties as bandsmen, the personnel also perform all military duties.
These included businesspeople, military personnel, the clergy and those had performed outstanding community or charity service but who were not well known to the general public.
Dr. Soutter and the other medical personnel performed 63 operations in the next 24 hours.
These personnel performed and recorded with Elvis throughout 1955 and 1956.
Generally, military personnel replace civil authorities and perform some or all of their functions.
It is recommended that personnel collecting samples and performing toxicity tests not work alone.
Even in some places where it is illegal, medical personnel perform circumcisions in government hospitals.
But personnel will perform better now, he insisted, largely because of training.
In any case, it had independent income, from services which personnel of it performed in many separate places.