"Artistic personnel" expenses are said to be rising at just about the same rate as every other kind.
In broad terms, 43% of the 2011-2012 defence budget will be allocated to personnel expenses, 38% to operating costs and 19% to investment.
As proceeds are impossible to forecast, the organization does not finance infrastructure costs of the projects it supports, such as rent, personnel expenses, and operating costs.
Since personnel expenses represent the largest single component of non-interest expense in financial institutions, these costs must also be attributed more accurately to products and customers.
Production costs can be cut by up to 50% through reduced preparation, spinning and personnel expenses.
The expectation is that they will encourage larger orders, thus reducing billing, order filling, shipping, and sales personnel expenses.
If such subsidies cover 100 percent of its capital, the transport fee could be set low because it only has to cover things like personnel expenses and electricity.
The museums endowment consists of approximately 120 individual funds devoted to building operations, bond costs, personnel expenses, legal fees and other purposes.
Mr. Rose conceded that some of the office's personnel expenses might include overtime expenses for emergency workers.
This enables the business to reallocate IT operations costs away from hardware/software spending and personnel expenses, towards meeting other goals.