All personnel, military and civil, without distinction of rank will assist him in any way he sees fit.
Healthy personnel could assist the in when they arrived.
The medical personnel might administer oxygen or assist in ventilation.
After the quake, personnel and aircraft from the base assisted with Operation Tomodachi.
Upon direction of the Governor, the unit furnishes personnel and equipment, including aircraft, to assist in natural disaster relief or to safeguard life and property in Minnesota.
However, we were still waiting for personnel (managed/provided by Social Services) to assist with her care.
A18 A quadriplegic has the right to turn off his own respirator so he can die, and medical personnel can assist him, a Georgia Superior Court judge ruled.
"Can we assign other personnel to assist her?"
In addition, unlicensed assistive personnel assist with providing health care services as permitted.
As many as 7,500 military personnel will assist 16,200 security guards inside the Olympic park, with 12,000 police and 6,000 more armed service personnel on the streets outside.