The central government now consults with provincial representatives before making sensitive personnel appointments.
Council members decide on key issues such as the granting of academic degrees, scholarships, foreign travel permits, personnel appointments and research topics.
The Republican rider would also let one party or the other on the commission veto any personnel appointment, a dangerous step for a bipartisan group.
For example, why is it that personnel appointments take so long to be announced when there is often no adequate reason for the delay?
He approved the personnel appointments over the weekend and this morning signed the forms required by the Federal Election Commission.
Read newspapers, business journal, and trade publications for new business openings, personnel appointments, and promotion announcements made by companies.
(from the movie Casablanca) to describe something totally predictable; or that a politically guided personnel appointment was made "after a nationwide search."
She said she once tried, for example, to call each school committee member to tell them about a personnel appointment she wanted to make.
However, personnel appointments were only one way in which the Crown tried to tighten its hold on New Spain.
They are said to squabble endlessly about personnel appointments and propaganda slogans.