They state that since the personnel administering the lethal injection lack expertise in anesthesia the risk of failing to induce unconsciousness is greatly increased.
In cases of suspected poisoning, medical personnel administer activated carbon on the scene or at a hospital's emergency department.
Mr. Mitchell went on to relate that he called an ambulance and took Mr. Barry to a nearby hospital where medical personnel administered oxygen and prepared to take some blood from the Mayor.
If they are successful, hepatitis B inoculations could cost as little as 10 cents per dose and would require no medical personnel to administer them.
The medical personnel might administer oxygen or assist in ventilation.
The general satisfaction with the new test and with the personnel administering it were reported in the latest Star-Ledger/ Eagleton-Rutgers poll released last week.
The personnel or training manager would administer the programme and the candidate would be supported by his or her line manager.
While medical personnel were administering to Max, Bill's coach John Rauch called for Preston along the sideline.
From them, Soviet personnel now administer manpower and materiel, overseeing the entire region.
Its personnel serve alongside and administer every unit in the British Army.