The fact that I could still remember his body in details that I'd personally never touched, didn't help.
"That doesn't include all that's coming," said Mrs. Wells, who has been touched personally by the plant closings.
Afra was afraid for her, with a fear deeper than any he had ever touched personally or vicariously.
It is impossible, residents say, not to be personally touched by the shooting through relatives, friends or neighbors.
In Hollywood, a political issue is embraced as long as one is not personally touched by it.
I can say only this: my loved ones and I were personally touched by the terrorist attacks, and we decided that it's time.
Like so many area Catholics, the Reidys will be personally touched by the Pope's visit this week.
It is led by athletes personally touched by autism who are raising awareness and funds for research, treatment, and education.
Usually, these are persons personally touched by adoption who do not feel anyone should be charged a fee to get information about themselves or their family.
Even if we do have jobs and incomes we all know we could be touched personally by public events at any moment.