Although he was personally popular, his regime was known for massive corruption.
There was a personally popular Republican President presiding over a country that seemed to be slowing down.
He succeeded in doing a large amount of work, his teaching was most successful, and he was personally popular.
Despite remaining personally popular, Andrus did not seek re-election to a fifth term in 1994.
He noted that his father continued to be personally popular.
The President remains personally popular, goes this view, but has been unable to sell many of his policies to the voters.
Christie was not a personally popular man; he might well lose what social position he had, if he lost his ability to write.
He learned the language, did much teaching, and became personally popular.
Both men are personally popular and have carried legislators with them during elections.
Parmenion's son, a man not personally popular, was chief officer of the 'Companions'.