Pavlov reportedly personally destroyed nearly a dozen tanks using this tactic.
He personally destroyed seventeen enemy heavy tanks in the engagement.
And now to destroy personally those who had dared to interrupt his labors before leaving the molten rock to finish everyone else.
He then sails off to personally destroy the monastery Cat formerly stayed at.
If all else fails, you must personally destroy the Cerebron leader, Synapo,?
By 1944 he was in charge of an entire unit, personally destroying 14 echelons carrying troops and equipment.
Another Kanitanken appears in London, with R1 personally destroying it.
But when the Cultural Revolution began in 1966, he personally destroyed every one of the paintings.
I would personally destroy every painting, film, record, and book that ever existed if it would save one human or Titanide life.
In the ensuring battle, Minifie personally destroyed two of the aircraft while a third was shot down by one of his men.