Basil's energy showed that he was determined to take the administration into his own hands and personally control the army.
Your government-more particularly your agency within that government-would like some things it could control personally.
He worked as an individual designer, mostly with only one assistant, and confined himself to the smaller type of building that he could control personally.
Early on, he got into the habit of personally controlling everything.
"You know that I haven't anything to do with the beam controls personally," said Franks.
He was believed to control personally more than $2.5 billion.
Adele couldn't imagine that Sand personally controlled all her agents, but neither did she have evidence to the contrary.
General Regalado deposited the money into a special bank account that he personally controlled, the officers assert.
He personally controlled a substantial portion of the company's shares until his death.
He was further convinced that it would be a fine future since he personally controlled it.