Focus magazine said he collected $2.8 million among business friends and personally contributed $350,000 from a mortgage on his house.
Elizabeth I personally contributed - the only time that she is known to have done so - giving £1000 (around £200,000 today).
The next $10 million of the gift requires the college trustees to contribute personally.
So you'll more than happily contribute personally to this supposed grand idea of a 'present' would you?
Governor Velázquez may have personally contributed nearly half the cost of the expedition.
He personally contributed thousands of pounds of his personal fortune to the school.
It stated that he had personally contributed $77,945 of the $78,195 raised as of March 31, 2008.
We, more than anyone else, want these authorities to set to work, since we have contributed personally to their emergence.
Tillman personally contributed to a number of the studies.
Christiansen personally contributed 46 interceptions, leading the league in 1953 and 1957.