Yet, a high job approval rating doesn't always mean personal popularity.
Still, the president may not be able to use his personal popularity to bring people to his side on the issues.
During this time, his personal popularity and following in Ringatū continued to grow.
Even when his personal popularity is dropping, the President bears the major responsibility for international affairs.
However, 12 months after he became party leader, his personal popularity with the public had not increased from that of several years before.
The campaign seemed to rely on the 47-year-old incumbent's personal popularity and his image as a former basketball star.
There was some wariness, because of the President's continuing personal popularity.
Peters' victory was likely due to personal popularity, rather than his party affiliation.
But Reagan's personal popularity fell only from 80 percent to 75 percent.
And his personal popularity remains high in a state dominated by Democratic voters.