I find un-edited personal literary musings online to be largely obscene and a waste of time.
Hard-cover publication rarely brings out the best in journalism, especially in light, personal musings like these.
It took me less than 10 minutes (though I have not yet added any personal musings).
Because Baron's work is so ephemeral it's hard to know where art ends and completely personal musing begins.
He impressed upon us 12-year-olds the difference between facts, personal musings and hearsay.
The second most popular category of tweets is personal musings.
Facebook members create pages that often contain their telephone numbers, photographs, personal musings and comments left by friends.
Data's consciousness was drawn from his personal musings when the mission suddenly ceased to be routine.
But the color complex is not just her personal musing, Ms. Golden contends.
Each portrait is accompanied by personal musings.