You have to put your own personal likes and dislikes aside and develop the characters that the audience wants to see.
Of course, personal likes and dislikes don't figure largely in this business, or shouldn't.
We all have our personal likes and dislikes.
But to say that my family and I are not Greek goes beyond the question of personal likes and dislikes.
If you allow emotion to dictate your selection of media,: because of personal likes and dislikes, you're making the wrong decision.
You gotta just put all them personal likes and dislikes aside, they don't come into it.
Although it shows his personal likes and dislikes, the dictionary still deserves to be famous.
When it came to revealing her personal likes and dislikes, Joanne was not a girl of many words.
But personal likes and dislikes had absolutely nothing to do with the business of intelligence.
Their armor was of a motley variety, but limited by the owner's wealth and personal likes.