Which, by the way, contains Rebecca's own personal insignia.
The new unit used an insignia that was adopted from Willy Coppens's personal insignia with his consent.
This is my personal insignia.
Many of the aircraft wore a unit marking of black and white stripes on their elevators; personal insignia went on the fuselage.
On 20 January 2007, two priests accompanied by government security agents entered the Patriarch's residence and confiscated his personal pontifical insignia.
Equating Richard with his personal insignia, Richmond calls him "the wretched, bloody, and usurping boar."
Von Rosen had painted the Buddhist symbol on the plane as his personal lucky insignia.
Beginning in 1841, many wore personal insignia of this type on the uniforms.
The symbol was also used by Vytautas as his personal insignia since 1397 and appeared on his seal and coins.