Richardson developed a unique and highly personal idiom, adapting in particular the Romanesque of southern France.
Find a personal idiom (in this case, lowering sadness and groaning gloom) that can unite your diverse ethnic sources.
Other works, such as the last three symphonies, employ a personal musical idiom that facilitated intense emotional expression.
Besides the realist works, Tobey also created less well known paintings in several very personal idioms.
In the late 1920's his compositions began to receive international attention as he slowly worked toward a personal idiom that combined elements of atonality and jazz.
This "extremely individual and personal idiom" was, however, the product of a long musical apprenticeship, during which the composer absorbed many influences.
A wick is their personal idiom for anyone who does wicked things.
Mr. Desrosiers, still groping toward a personal idiom, is the most imaginative.
He is considered one of the most important modern Greek composers, with a personal musical idiom that is both mature and laconic.
Ms. MacCallum's distinctve personal idiom first came to national attention in the early 1980's.