By 1960, however, people were using the term to describe a personal or collective disposition that ran too deep to be accessible to cursory introspection.
His Excellency received reports of noncombatants in the mission, and I was instructed to bring them to him for his personal disposition.
The doubt applies to unconventional working habits and not to personal disposition.
Both personal disposition such as temperament and social context contribute to individual differences in concern for others.
He noted that people tend to make distinctions between behaviors that are caused by personal disposition versus environmental or situational conditions.
In many cases, at a time which is dependent on an affected individual's personal disposition, obesity can also be overlain by a diabetes mellitus.
There is likewise involved personal disposition.
Evaluation consists of several component processes including metacognition, goals, personal disposition, cognitive development, deliberation, and decision-making.
"Everything in this house was left entirely to my personal disposition," Miss Slighcarp said coldly.
As with music, so too the dance expressed a person's internal spiritual emotions and personal disposition.