Denise never knew how much blame she should take for personal catastrophes like this.
More, it is meeting social and personal catastrophes unheard of even a decade ago.
Rider could envision only personal catastrophe resulting from such an arrangement.
Because he's anatomically correct save in one crucial regard, this dude clearly knows from personal catastrophe.
There's no possible consolation for such a personal catastrophe as that!
I have no doubt this has been a terrible ordeal for you and the verdict is a personal and professional catastrophe.
Tyler, Stone had generously allowed her all the time off she needed to deal with this personal catastrophe.
Management of patients whose visits seem to be precipitated by depression, job loss, marriage break up, or other personal catastrophe may be much more complex.
In some cases, the consequence is personal catastrophe.
His wife's death, however, was nothing less than a personal catastrophe.