Star Guard is unusual for Norton in that the hero has no personal emotional agonies.
Some letter writers reveal other personal agonies to Mantle.
The good one is rich in detail, often steeped in specific personal agonies and hot issues of the day.
You don't know our own, our personal agony.
My own personal agony was merely a pawn in some deeper game.
His face was screaming, as if the Many were personifying his personal agony.
And this will be so not because you have any special value or excellence, but because nothing interests you beyond your own personal agony.
To me the thought that the human race became a godless people is a personal agony.
I have always preferred to carry through to the finish, whatever the personal agony involved.
Even as these thoughts passed through Kirk's mind, the old habits of command were returning, demanding that he set aside personal agony.