No person can sell his organs as a live donor.
I did say that the person seemed in an awful hurry to get rid of the car and sold it very cheap.
Under some licenses, a person cannot sell the piece of work or use it to make money.
So many people have wanted Stradivarii, and even one person has sold his house to buy one.
In his opinion, this was the time to make such purchases, for many persons were selling their treasures at low prices.
A person who buys more than sells and therefore is in a net long financial position.
And the only way I feel a person can really sell a song is to have had some experience.
It's open every day, and just one person sells all the different things.
Ah, but private persons can take their property with them, or sell it.
Somewhere along the line they got to understand that every person of color does not sell drugs.