A person with a higher capacity for salt retention might also retain more water and thus increase his chance of surviving.
The person retains the illusion of having a body, but that perception is no longer derived from the senses.
Whether other persons resident abroad, perhaps on government service, should retain the right to vote is currently a matter of controversy.
Generally, a person with ataxia retains full mental capacity but may progressively lose physical control.
Although the average person may retain only about four different units in short-term memory, chunking can greatly increase a person's recall capacity.
In essence, an older person retains around 70% of his or her assets.
Q. Do you think a black person can retain his identity and get ahead?
The person claiming the benefit must retain the land which can benefit from the covenant.
It should be remembered that an anxious person, even an intelligent one, does not retain as much new information as normally.