Misinterpretation It occurs when a person wrongly interpret something.
A person could always interpret a bit of evidence ten different ways from Sunday.
A person may have difficulty understanding clichés or expressions and interpret a phrase literally.
The ruling turned (as many of these do) on what a 'reasonable person' would interpret as advocating drug use.
"Each person may interpret the stories as they choose," the white-haired Indian said.
Another person standing a great distance away can interpret the flags and reproduce the words sent.
The person being slowly clapped at may interpret the clap as an insult, and a sign to leave the stage.
Thus each person can have an entirely different view on a work, because each person will interpret words differently.
There were a lot of ways a person could interpret a remark like that, weren't there?
Each person interprets the causes of the war using the arguments which best suit his own theory.