If that person flies to another country with mosquitoes, he or she can unknowingly spread the virus even further.
The first person soon flew gracefully to the bottom of the hill, staying up for over a minute.
A month short of 26 years old at launch, he remains the youngest person to fly in space.
One person could not fly with the weight of two, even when the other was as small and slender as his captive.
And the four persons flew down to the area immediately.
Do you get angry that the same person could fly, when you have to drive?
Even with as high as a 90% computer and electrical failure, a person can fly this baby.
Jet lag usually is worse when a person flies east rather than west.
"It's impossible unless the person that committed the crime can fly," he testified.
Unless a person could sprout wings and fly like a bird, it seemed impossible.