In many discussions of such issues consent is invoked and is understood to mean, roughly, the following: a person consents to an outcome if he performs an action which he believes to make that event more likely.
I think that if a young person consents to such a placement, then it seems they have the emotional capacity to tackle their behaviour without recourse to such a placement; such an attitude needs working with, not locking away.
Information relating to another or which would identify another as its source may not be shown unless that person consents.
Most people would fight for friends and family, but why would a normal person consent to murder strangers on behalf of other strangers?
If the person consents to their doctor giving a medical report on them, the doctor will be at liberty to disclose information which otherwise would be confidential.
Where a requested person consents to his or her surrender, the executing judicial authority should make a final decision within ten days of such a consent.
In some situations a search and seizure is reasonable without the need for a warrant, such as when items are in plain view, or when a person consents to being searched.
Other information - like driving records, credit histories and Social Security numbers - is available to companies and individuals under certain legal guidelines, for example, in cases when a person consents to a search of his past.
If no parent or legal guardian exists or if no parent or legal guardian is capable of consenting, a court may provide the underage person consent to establish a domestic partnership.
Smoking must also be prohibited in conference rooms and meeting rooms unless each person present consents to allow smoking.