Unlike the changes of adolescence, which are predictable to within a few years, each person ages at a unique rate.
Some changes in your feet and ankles are normal as a person ages or during pregnancy.
Admission is $2.00 per person age 7 and older.
When a person ages, the body becomes less able to rid itself of barbiturates.
Blood pressure also tends to increase as a person ages.
As a person ages, they are no longer able to see the light, but they can still recognize the beauty in the world.
As a person ages, the electrical system of the heart often does not function normally.
As a person ages, "the soft tissue goes south," so less top tooth will show.
Rates start at $825 for two people (each extra person age 6 or older is $99 a night extra).
Blood pressure readings usually increase as a person ages and with a variety of medical conditions.