The 'real' problems, which are associated in politics, policy and academe with persistent high unemployment, are those of men.
"But now this persistent unemployment is taking a toll on the wages of those who are still working."
There are now several countries which have implemented direct job creation schemes to counter the major problems associated with persistent unemployment.
In spite of persistent high unemployment living standards rose for the majority of the population in the 1930s and 1980s.
However, well before the current economic crisis, income inequalities, persistent unemployment and poverty have been on the rise since the 1970s.
No doubt, with soaring premiums and persistent high unemployment, the number of uninsured will continue to rise in 2002 and beyond.
Not enough research has been done on the trade effects in an economy with persistent unemployment, which has characterized most of the last 30 years.
But particularly in view of the persistent unemployment, he said he came to the conclusion that it was worth a try.
All the candidates for the single currency have now brought inflation under control, at the price of persistent structural unemployment.
In the industrial world, persistent unemployment and excess capacity have held inflation down.