The widespread belief is that such a cut would ease pressure on industry, encourage investment and relieve persistent tensions within the European Monetary System.
The possibility of Turkish troops' entering northern Iraq has been a source of persistent tension between the United States and Turkey.
There have been persistent tensions and protests over land rights, and allocation of land to Crimean Tatars remains a highly contentious issue.
The book, instead, describes persistent, ego-based tensions between owner and coach.
From the 50's on, there is a persistent tension between the slightly brushy touch and a determination to register the visual facts.
But the emergence of this junior MacArthur grant at the turn of the millennium points up the persistent tensions in talent development.
Everywhere there was a persistent tension between Western forms of organization and operation and the real modus operandi they often cloaked.
The gap in Réunion between the well-off and the poor is large and accounts for the persistent social tensions.
The update outlined many new developments including the impact of the 2009 post-election violence and persistent tensions surrounding the Iranian nuclear program.
Ms. Hulbert's central theme is one of "unexpected continuity": a persistent tension between hard and soft approaches to rearing children.