In addition, commentators record the persistent racism of British society, which impedes 'integration' and may function to perpetuate the inequalities suffered by black people.
Residents are beset with the uncertainty and anxiety that accompany their efforts to cope with poverty, unsafe neighborhoods and persistent racism.
Not surprisingly, Sifford's greatest obstacle along with the persistent racism was learning to overcome his own anger.
We must not close our eyes to what these fires have exposed: the rot of southern rural poverty and persistent racism.
One perspective argues that structural problems, particularly persistent racism, have concentrated disadvantage among urban Black residents and thus caused their need to rely on long-term welfare payments.
Spurred by one of the few other black students, Thomas began to notice that the Catholic Church had said little about persistent racism in America.
He toured the world over with Shearing but it was in America where he experienced persistent and institutionalized racism.
A love story, it also addresses Spain's persistent racism.
This form of low-key, persistent racism pervades our society.
As a result you may be motivated to read the texts as confirming the existence of a persistent and all-pervasive racism inherent in white society.