After persistent lobbying on his part, they were replaced.
The 1986 California interstate banking law was the fruit of persistent lobbying for several years by the New York banks.
In 1703 his persistent lobbying for office was rewarded; two years later he obtained the post of pay master to Queen Anne's forces overseas.
But the department, responding to political pressure and the persistent lobbying of Long Island women, continues to investigate environmental links.
The group said the commission had "weakened the policy considerably as a result of persistent and misleading lobbying from the chemicals industry."
The increase is due partly to the strong economy and budget surplus in Albany but also to months of low-key, persistent lobbying by arts groups.
However, despite persistent lobbying of the UK government of the time, his proposal was not taken seriously and came to nothing.
No rich private benefactors came forward, and persistent and intensive lobbying of the government for financial backing failed.
Their persistent lobbying is seen as being the prime factor behind the World Bank's decision last year to impose new conditions on its continuing support.