These observations indicate that eradication may not be appropriate for certain populations owing to the potentially beneficial effects conferred by persistent gastric inflammation.
A persistent inflammation of the lining of the esophagus occurs in GERD and can lead to other health problems.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a medical term for persistent inflammation caused by shaving.
There is evidence for persistent inflammation in the neck in patients with chronic pain after whiplash injury.
In contrast, persistent inflammation will produce excessive immune cells which will be detrimental.
In addition, there was evidence of persistent inflammation in the gingival tissue that could herald periodontal disease.
Allergies, exposure to environmental irritants, or a persistent inflammation within the sinuses can lead to turbinate swelling.
Finally, there is persistent inflammation.
The victims can suffer persistent inflammation, infection, blood clots, bone erosion, diseases of connective tissue and, in rare instances, cancer, depending on the materials and the location in the body.
In cases of severe or persistent inflammation, a circumcision may be recommended.