Instead, it is a persistent and permanent feature of weather and climate, severely affecting some part of the United States almost every year.
A persistent feature was the inflationary debasement and replacement of coins over the centuries.
These differences result in conflict being a common and persistent feature of society, and not a temporary aberration.
A persistent feature among the Baldricks is their lack of sexual preference, which is often played upon for comic effect.
Early morning fog is a persistent feature.
One of the most persistent features was mixing clay with other organic matter, most often crushed snail shells.
And its Irishness is its most intriguing - and persistent - feature.
But anecdotal evidence does seem to suggest that regular absenteeism has become a more persistent, probably permanent feature of the Broadway landscape.
The drive to single out Israel for demonization is, sadly, a persistent feature of campus life in Europe.
Unemployment is nonetheless still high in many countries, and it has almost become a persistent feature of countries that set the trend.