A spark of life still persisted within the broken form, life ages past remembering.
After the arrival of Christianity, many older traditions and cultural traits persisted within the new religion.
But one thing persisted within them, across all this desert of time.
Theses on perfection persist within the Church to the present day.
However, a very different story persisted within the von Meck family.
Nevertheless similar employment of foreigners persists in Japan, particularly within the national education system and professional sports.
The model shows, however, that the disease can persist within a population, rising from dormancy if the conditions are right.
Quiet persisted within the walls of the massive dwelling.
When looking for a way out, let us begin with the unjust and unjustified discrimination that still persists within the Union.
Secondly, many internal barriers still persist within the common market created by the free movement of capital, goods and services.