We discovered that by crisscrossing the Equator (the seasons are in opposition), we could follow a perpetual summer around the world.
Maybe she should have gone to a newer, cleaner city like Atlanta, or a city of perpetual summer like Miami.
In a climate where perpetual summer reigns and there is little to distinguish one week from another, the days slip by imperceptibly.
Declaring time to be circular, the apologists for both revolutions announced the great truth that nothing ever changes in the land of perpetual summer.
Following her, the new companion found herself in a little world where perpetual summer reigned.
The reverse is the culture of perpetual summer: the ability to buy strawberries at Christmas, for example.
Most veterans tend to recall their youth as one of perpetual high-blooming summer.
He likens this change to the arrival of a perpetual summer, and tells her that "you won my life".
Inner Cleveland bathed in almost perpetual summer.
It was the city of perpetual summer, the land of golden youth.