You reserve the perpetual right to overthrow the government?
It added that its ruling does not give the clubs "perpetual rights to the players' performances.
Or if an owner doesn't like the car you drive, he has perpetual rights to you forever whereby you can never play for anybody else.
For whatever reason, I don't want to use it for advertising and the government has granted me a near perpetual right to make that decision.
The owners, despite warnings about the foolishness of (Continued on Page 54) their position, claimed perpetual rights.
The king then granted the city of San Severo the perpetual right to self-government.
Then, too, you must give us perpetual rights to all of the natural resources in your country.
The two million dollars would have given theUnited States the perpetual right of transit across the isthmus.
These treaties also granted the U.S. a perpetual right of military intervention.
Technically tenants do not have leases but a perpetual right to remain in the apartment.