The Major's perpetual twisted grin widened at the thought.
He heard Oy breathing fast and low through his perpetual grin, a perfect little engine.
With his flat-top haircut and perpetual grin, he cut a strange figure.
His perpetual sideways grin was on his face, and he looked genuinely happy to see her.
And for once, that seemingly perpetual grin was gone from his cheery face.
Described as having a round, brown face Split in a perpetual grin.
What seemed to be a perpetual crooked grin was partly the scar of an old fight.
He stood there with his perpetual grin, looking in through the open door.
Significantly for humans, the mouths of many species turn upward in a perpetual grin.
He grinned his perpetual grin, and even Conan had to return a smile.