He gave few details but said the measures would increase production and "permit survival while working toward peace in Nicaragua."
Root tubers are perennating organs, thickened roots that store nutrients over periods when the plant cannot actively grow, thus permitting survival from one year to the next.
Observations on a substance in pancreas (a fat metabolizing hormone) which permits survival and prevents liver changes in depancreatized dogs.
In the more remote country villages, however, clandestine slaughtering, vegetable gardens and the availability of milk products permitted better survival.
Taxes had to be paid sometimes by selling a wife and children, especially when taxes were too high to permit basic survival.
Chu, YP., Spatz, L., and Diamond, B. A second heavy chain permits survival of high affinity autoreactive B cells.
However, bleach is less effective in the presence of organic debris, so a small amount of food residue can be enough to permit survival of e.g. Salmonella bacteria.
Other bacterial species produce spores in an unfavorable growth environment to preserve the organism's viability and permit survival in a dormant state until the spores are exposed to favorable conditions.
Buster and his kin may prevail because a feature evolved long ago for a different use has fortuitously permitted survival during a sudden and unpredictable change in rules.
His doctors noted that, "A fast in excess of 70 days does not permit survival.