There was a move to liberalize requirements to permit students more leeway some years ago.
Community and technical colleges do not permit undocumented students to enroll in degree programs but they can take courses.
In later years, the university allowed individual colleges to tighten standards, and permitted students only a single year to complete their remedial programs.
Schools that fail to meet their performance goals can face consequences including permitting students to transfer to another school (competition).
The district permits students outside of the district to participate in some activities to provide adequate participant numbers.
Substantial resources and time can be saved by permitting students to test out of classes.
In the 1960's we permitted students to intimidate us and our school officials.
With the new academic requirements, the department said, the schools would no longer have enough time to permit teachers and students to design their schedules.
The school board then voted to permit home- and private-school students to attend public school part time.
The university agreed to permit students who did not want to read the book to write an essay explaining why.