The mutagens permit direct selection of clones in which cellular genes have been disrupted and simplify the characterisation of genes associated with recessive mutations [ 1 ] .
It even permits remote selection of any particular track on a CD or cassette or cueing the LP turntable at any point of the disk.
In certain cases, alternate FFBDs may be used to represent various means of satisfying a particular function until data are acquired, which permits selection among the alternatives.
The Law permits such selection in cases of extreme need.
In the 1860s several colonies passed legislation to permit selection.
This fits the model described above because a new mutation (black) was required to reveal pre-existing genetic variation and to permit selection.
This permits selection of an ion with a particular m/z or allows the operator to scan for a range of m/z-values by continuously varying the applied voltage.
It permits logical selection of different processing paths, allows loops and logic branching, user-interaction and similar.
The investigations often permit selection of one mechanism from several which are proposed.
The report said such a system would increase reliability and "permit selection of the highest quality and least costly source of water."