But President Clinton is expected to sign legislation today that revises the system, permitting schools more flexibility in spending Federal aid.
She pointed out that the state permitted schools to substitute other tests, such as the Advanced Placement exams, if they considered the Regents too easy.
Tajikistan permits private religious schools, but they must be registered.
The Chancellor's plan would permit individual schools to draw up their own distribution plans, as long as they conformed to the Chancellor's guidelines.
Kansas state law permitted segregated public schools, which operated in Topeka and other cities.
Such schemes whilst safeguarding and rationalising 16-19 provision often permit other schools, albeit with a reduced age range, to continue to exist.
The Kansas law permitting segregated schools allowed them only "below the high school level."
"The church has always permitted various schools of theology, which have always coexisted, at times with tensions, but tensions that have not led to ruptures."
He dinged officials for permitting public schools to become cramped eyesores.
Two months later, California repealed a law permitting segregated schools for Asian-Americans.