The Pitcairn Islands had previously banned the sale of cigarettes, however it now permits sales from a government run store.
Now Mr. Clinton is ready to permit American nuclear sales to China.
The federal government, like Alberta, treated natural gas as a Canadian resource to protect for the foreseeable future before permitting international sales.
The City Council recognized this more than 22 years ago, when it changed the law to permit such sales.
Our regulations still do not permit retail sales.
To maintain the intelligence connection, the Government permitted improper sales to be made, the documents show.
New York permitted such sales only if a winery maintained a physical presence in the state.
Art shows often permit sales by artists, which is a significant source of income for some artists.
Recently the Government began permitting sales of sparkling wine in grocery stores and fruit juice bars.
So if a state permits sales within its borders, it must allow deliveries from other states, too.