It will permit residents, businesses and organizations to link to the global computer network at speeds that will dwarf even today's fastest cable modems.
Part-time agricultural work also permitted urban residents to keep in contact with their villages and gave them supplemental income.
It permitted residents to donate a small sum from their tax returns and motor vehicle registration fees to an organ donor trust fund.
Federal law does not permit foreign residents to contribute directly to candidates.
Officials, however, were not permitting her or other residents of the 14th floor to return.
The allotment also provided for an additional twenty-two experienced and forty-seven inexperienced workers from the county and permitted residents to apply for the positions.
Thus, New York City should be applauded for allowing its shelters to be privately run, permitting residents to stay longer and get the services they need.
In Boston, the law permits residents to reserve spaces for up to 48 hours.
Mr. Jaye is sponsoring legislation to permit residents of Michigan to carry concealed firearms.
In 1780 Pennsylvania enacted a law providing for gradual emancipation; it permitted residents of other states living in Pennsylvania to keep slaves.