It permits, or makes it possible to anticipate earlier and more effectively, certain therapeutic, medical or surgical procedures.
The new Scheduler, pulled from the PC Tools package, now permits regular, unattended anti-virus procedures to be executed, such as scans.
If it would be useful, but there are reasons for not holding a parade, the Code permits other, less formal, procedures such as a group identification and (ultimately) a confrontation with the witness.
The second tier essentially works by allowing polluters to adopt certain managements measures that discourage NPS pollution rather than go through various permitting procedures.
Copies of the permit and permit fact sheet, federal register announcement, background information, and procedures on how to comply with the permit requirements are included.
Power supplies are lagging because of lingering regulatory uncertainty and a lack of expedited permitting procedures.
Limited exceptions for scientific, educational, zoological or propagational purposes and for certain cases of commercial "economic hardship" were allowed under strict permitting procedures.
Some cities, towns and recreation areas allow geocaches with few or no restrictions, but others require compliance with lengthy permitting procedures.
In February 2007 the Scottish Executive confirmed that tail docking was to be banned, while laying regulations permitting other procedures such as ear tagging and microchipping.
The USDA is responsible for approving field trials of GM plants under either the notification or permit procedures.