The law permits manufacturers to make implicit claims, unsupported by scientific evidence, that products are safe and offer health benefits.
In April the department permitted manufacturers to use up to 40 percent fat and water in combination, with the fat not to exceed 30 percent.
There is more room for favouritism or vindictiveness in a system that permits manufacturers of automobiles and of washing machines to be governed by different and contradictory principles of liability.
"The revised guides would be silent on this issue, but the discussion in the F.T.C. staff commentary would have the effect of permitting manufacturers to link their advertising allowances with some required adherence to minimum resale prices."
Schwegmann's next fight was against the state's fair-trade law, which permitted manufacturers to set retail prices for an entire area by entering into a contract with just one retailer in that region.
It permitted manufacturers to cloak their products in colorful and eye-catching wrappers and it gave customers a way to distinguish easily between different soap boxes, high up on the grocer's shelf.
As an attorney, Allen argued on behalf of the Plymouth Woolen Company of the constitutionality of a law allowing municipal officers to permit manufacturers "to ring bells and use whistles and gongs for the benefit of their workmen."
At the end of 1996, the agency extended a rule permitting manufacturers to install shut-off switches for passenger air bags in cars that either have no back seats or have seats too small for a child safety seat.
The company permitted other American manufacturers to build the rifle during the Vietnam War because of a surge in demand.
In April 2009, the International Trade Commission closed a patent infringement case that will permit Chinese manufacturers to produce copycat versions of Splenda products which will be sold under different brand names.