They would obtain from the sovereign power an exploration licence covering simple exploration over a defined geographical area, or a concession permitting exploration and the production of oil.
It also permits architectural exploration.
Monographic in focus and permitting exploration of questions in depth, document projects proved to be an effective way to combine the internet's spaciousness with the historian's craft of working with documents.
Dr. Thomas Eisner, a Cornell University biologist who has worked in the area since 1959, argued that it would be a mistake to permit exploration.
"The UFP Negotiated Exploration Treaty permits exploration out to 4750 parsecs from Sol, and we're certainly well within that boundary."
The existing Outer Space Treaty, particularly Article IX, and the more detailed COSPAR guidelines would not permit human exploration of the surface.
The development of land, sea, and eventually, air transportation permitted exploration of the entire world.
Telepresence exploration of Mars has many advantages, such as permitting rapid exploration and use of human cognition to take advantage of chance discoveries and feedback from the results obtained so far.
The 32 feet of piping, required to produce the fundamentals, permits creative exploration.
The House passed a companion bill last year that would permit exploration in the wildlife refuge, but without Senate concurrence it cannot become law.