The ruling said the Scouts' bylaws and charter were silent on the issue of homosexuality and did not permit exclusion of any boy.
The freedom of choice bill explicitly permits exclusion of abortion services from medical-funding programs.
She said the Boy Scouts teach tolerance and the understanding of differences in others and that the group's charter and bylaws do not permit exclusion of any boy.
The 35-year-old law permits exclusion of foreigners on a variety of grounds, including advocacy of the "doctrines of world Communism," the provision an immigration judge cited in Ms. Randall's case.
Q. Your bill permits exclusion for certain "reasons of foreign policy."
Permitting exclusion based on this hesitancy would validate any language-based exclusion, the fund said.
"Larad, Groghe, Asgenar, Toronas, and Deckter wouldn't permit exclusion of Benden and High Reaches Weyrleaders!"
Further, most CFC rules permit exclusion from taxable income of dividends paid by a CFC from earnings previously taxed to members under the CFC rules.
The Commission is also opposed to other initiatives regarding specific sectors, which would permit exclusion on the basis of free access alone, irrespective of whether or not this results in effective and real competition.
It would permit continued exclusion on grounds of current health, criminal record, narcotics addiction or involvement with terrorism.