But it does put a five-year cap on Federal money for a family, permitting exceptions for up to 20 percent of the caseload.
And fashion is so fickle as to permit glaring exceptions to its own haute rules.
The Multiple Dwelling Law requires every public hall to have at least one window opening, but permits exceptions.
The Government permits exceptions to the minimum wage in cases of people who cannot work as fast as others.
A number of these, he said, permitted exceptions to building codes to allow owners to approximate the homes they had lost.
International human rights law permits no derogation or exceptions to this human right.
But it had permitted exceptions on an individual case basis, until the United States decreed a no-exceptions policy.
Permitting exceptions to a ban on abortions, they argue, would be "inconsistent" with the belief that abortion is a form of murder.
Some academics believe future digital rights management systems may become sophisticated enough to permit exceptions to copyright law.
As alternative and possibly less toxic bleaching substances exist, then in my opinion it is unnecessary to permit exceptions.