Until 1979, the company did not permit employees to drink coffee at their desks, for fear they might spill and waste time cleaning up.
Sierra Atlantic has adopted retention strategies like permitting crucial employees to change jobs across departments within the company.
Others permitted employees time off to attend memorial services.
The Justice Department put out a snow memorandum permitting employees to take the rest of the day off, but there was hardly anyone around to receive it.
"It would limit the flexibility of employers to permit employees to choose other benefits, or higher wages, rather than health care."
But permitting employees to participate is only the beginning.
Such postings permitted employees to easily see how their units' performance was contributing to agency goals and objectives.
State law does not permit public employees to invest in hedge or venture funds, so such a move would require the state to hire private managers.
The law permits employees to earmark up to 20 percent of their salary each year to a 401(k), to a maximum contribution of $7,000.
On Monday, it said it would permit employees of United Nations organizations to resume work in the two provinces.