The Privacy Rule permits disclosure of work-;related health information as authorized by, and to the extent necessary to comply with, workers' compensation programs.
They spoke on the condition that they not be named, over the objections of several journalists who pleaded with them to permit disclosure of their names.
SIB Core Rule 18(2) and SFA Rule 5-33(2) permit disclosure of only the basis of commission to a private customer.
The bill has strong protections for confidential sources but would permit disclosure to avoid "imminent and actual harm" to national security.
Some legal jurisdictions permit such disclosure, while others do not.
A protocol agreed with the students' union provides the structure for permitting disclosure of student-based data.
I imagined some grand secret council of Britain's betters voting not to permit disclosure of the inner workings of power lest the lower orders become restless.
Federal laws do more than permit disclosure of such political donations: they require it.
Following a further application by the defendants the injunction was varied to permit disclosure of VBN's job description, but not her name.
All 50 states have confidentiality provisions; however, an overwhelming majority of states permit public disclosure once the decision has been made to take a disciplinary measure against a judge.