The press is tightly controlled by clerics who, while permitting debate on economic or foreign policy, do not allow commentators or reporters to question the sanctity of the Islamic state.
The Cathoirleach, Seán Doherty, did not permit any comment or debate on Farell's statement.
One of the few things about which the Council still permits free debate is its nature and origins.
She offers no apologies for her defiance, saying the speaker does not tolerate dissent or permit open debate on major policy issues.
The issue is whether crucial questions on Japan's role in World War II are to be permitted free and open debate.
It also permitted debate before, during and after battles, debate that has given Western accounts of military history extraordinary variety and authority.
Senate rules permit unlimited debate, and on great occasions, dissenting lawmakers have resorted to filibusters, for good and bad causes.
And President Hosni Mubarak, though hardly democratic, still permitted considerable debate and criticism in the press.
However, we think it a matter of urgency, and it is a matter of responsibility, to permit public debate on these matters.
Yes, unless you wish to permit direct debate.