Permit sellers, permit buyers: China and Canada's roles in a global low-carbon society, 2008.
General Motors will permit dissatisfied buyers of new Oldsmobiles to return the cars for full credit.
Other housing groups want Congress to permit first-time buyers to use pretax savings for making down payments.
Others will permit prospective buyers to take a piece home to see if they like it.
Loan companies are permitting buyers to borrow more than ever before--5 percent down payments are common--so many overextended buyers could be devastated when the economy slows down.
Critics also worry that offering extra-risky financial products that permit financially vulnerable buyers to get ever bigger mortgages is particularly perilous now, when many experts say the housing bubble may be near a breaking point.
Once highly regulated and protected, their industry now faces growing competition, they say, with large customers pressing them to lower rates and states permitting buyers to skirt their local utilities.
Challenging an industrywide taboo, it will permit dissatisfied buyers of new Oldsmobiles to return the cars for full credit.
These contracts permitted buyers of savings institutions to maintain less rigorous capital requirements so that the new owners could have leeway to turn the institutions around.
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