Both Aldawsari and the 9/11 hijackers recognized the permissive standards and importance of state issued identification.
The more permissive standard was initially pushed by the Pentagon, but opposed by the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and the State Department.
To test the Thaad, the Administration is proposing a more permissive standard for tests of interceptors.
Precincts with concentrations of older voters had substantially larger numbers of dimpled ballots that could have been counted in a manual recount with a permissive standard.
It sought to do so under the permissive legal standards that govern speech of its opponents.
Biography enjoys a more permissive standard of candor: the reader can assume it is based on verifiable fact.
In the late 1960's and early 70's, most colleges eliminated the rigid codes of conduct that had governed student life for generations, substituting more general, perhaps permissive standards.
Perhaps when they reached his reality, it could be determined whether she could be considered a new citizen, governed by the more permissive standards his people enjoyed.
Junk holdings in 1990 using the new definition are far greater than 1989 holdings reported under the old, more permissive standards.
Late last year the Administration proposed a more permissive standard, allowing tests of interceptors that can attack targets moving at five kilometers per second.